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4 June 2024
Ulster University Belfast Campus

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Check Employers

Review employers, understand offerings, shortlist your favourites based on interests and career goals. Why not follow them on LinkedIn and have a look at the jobs/careers sections on their website?

View our employers

Prepare Some Questions

What kind of opportunities are you advertising?
How would you describe your company culture?
What are the most important skills I could bring?
Do you have any advice for your recruitment process?

Do Some Quick Research

Research the companies of interest to understand their services and reputation before engaging with them further. Check them out on your university jobs platform, LinkedIn and company websites.

Access expert advice

Contact your university careers department to book a 1-1 advice consultation to help you prepare for the fair.

Access your university jobs platform

Ulster University graduates have access to Handshake and Queens University Belfast student have access to My Future. Update your profile and check for new jobs every week.